HDR problem/error message

i did a tutorial from wiki (http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Tutorials/HDRI_with_YafRay) and both times i tried to render the last step, blender said it encountered a problem and needed to shut down. please help.

i have windows XP. if that makes any difference.



You might try Blender internal, it now supports image based lighting.

thanks, man! workin’ great now. :smiley:

What happens if you skip this step in the tutorial and keep the XML activated?

Go to the YafRay tab and deactivate the XML button

What happens if you skip this step in the tutorial and keep the XML activated?

yay! no error message!

but i can’t get any picture. it renders black, and i can’t figure out why. is it a directory issue? but that shouldn’t matter…

any help? thanx.


do you have YafRay instaled ? what verision?
we need more info.

it sure can matter if you cant set the directory and find it later,

it sure can matter if you cant set the directory and find it later,