Hi guys I have donloaded a HDRI probe and im using yablex as far as I know this is what you do to get HDRI
1.set up scene
2.click on HDRI background in yablex GUI
3.specifiy file name of light probe
4.reduce hemi light colour value to 0
in the bagisas render log it say no light, using background instead then it says background envHDRI doesnt exist. This i assume is beacuse the file is in the wrong place.
So my questions are these.
1.Where do I put my probe file.
2.have I missed something completly stupid out (probably)
by the way my probe is called building_probe.hdr and thats what i typed in the yableX GUI
I loaded it up and everything seems normal, i dont know what i should change. I downloaded an example file (the on with the holes in the cube) put the hdr in the hdr folder he said to put it in and it came up with the same error background envhdri doesnt exist.
Am I doing the correct thing by putting the hemilights colours all on Zero (the tooltips seem to contradict them selves)
Sorry to sound like a dumbass but I want shiny things!