HDRI in background ?

what is the trick to see HDRI in viewport background cycles

I did set the background in N panel but still not working

so what else ?

happy cl

Are you using an environment texture in the node setup?



just saw video again and you must be in camera view to see it!

but I thought with N panel you could also see in viewport !

happy cl

That’s odd since I don’t have a camera in the scene I just showed you. Weird.

try this file

and this is what I get

I can see it in camera view as shown in video for this

may be I miss something

happy bl


HDRI-Test-Enviro-low-res1.blend (541 KB)

Check World Background here.

Make sure you’re NOT in orthographic view.

^^ What Ikari said. Your file works fine in perspective view, but the HDRI won’t show up if you’re in orthographic view.

Reason being ortographic view has parallel camera rays, so no matter what direction you’re pointing the camera the background will be filled with a single pixel.

only in perspective mode
will try to remember that one


happy bl