HDRI Library

I’ve been on a mission! I’m trying to get an HDRI workflow in order between Blender and Yafray.

I tried to find Extreme Hi-Res Library (by Art VPS) online and I can’t seem to find where its sold. (I initially discovered it in 3d world magazine) So I found yet another HDRI library for about 113 dollars, ( trinity3d.com ) and after ordering there, I got a call saying their supplier is not getting back to them.

I’m wondering if gettin access to HDRI packages is a rare find!

Does anyone have links to where quality hdri packages are sold? In the vicinity of $100?

I make my own.

So do all the big effect houses. About $30 USD gets you a 10" environment sphere (gazing ball) which is perfect for making hdri’s. I find it’s much more cost effective and gives you more control over your images so you can make a better end product.


I am interested in the technique. Is there a way to get HDRIs with freeware tools?

Best regards,

Yeah. A quick google search turned up this site http://luxal.dachary.org/webhdr/software.shtml

All you need is a camera with adjustable exposure and software to merge the images. You can use the environment sphere if you like, but you don’t have to.


Oh, many thanks. I will take a look on this later this day. Is this also the way and the tools to create a HDRI sphere?

Best regards,