Does anyone know how to render in HDRI without the background? This may be to do with what is causing the grain on my images.
It has nothing to do with the grain.
What HDRI filea are you using for your lighting? It could be that you have a lower quality/resolution hdr file. I find that the uffizi_probe.hdr file works best and produces minimal grain.
And for an answer to your question, you can render the image without the probe showing by pressing the TGA Alpha button in the Global Settings of the GUI. THis will render out just your objects and leave you with a blank BG. You can then add any colour you want in PS or GIMP to fill the blank space.
I’m using the probes from I’ve tried different ones, they all produce grain though.
I’ve tried the Alpha TGA button but it still renders the background :-?
Another question: Why doesn’t auto smooth work? I set it up in YableX, it’s definately set in the XML file, but the yafray render isn’t smoothed.
hmmm, well those are definotley the probes to be using.
Can you send me your blend file and I’ll see what may be happening?
send it here: [email protected]
Thanks for the replies BgDM
I managed to fix the grain by using the other sampling method (QMC). However the reflection is still not very clear. Here’s a test render I did with maximum samples (256):
Which still doesn’t have the realism of an image like this one:
Any suggestions what I need to change? The problem with HDRI is it takes a long time to render things, so you can’t play around with settings to see what they affect too much
hmm, maybe some of your problem is the fact that your objects are just floating around in space. Give them a platform or a plane to sit on and make sure you have the Receive & Emit Radio options clicked on all materials in the Material options.
That might help some stuff. Don’t quote me on that though.
[edit]see this image here that has a plane:
seems to make an improvement.
I also forgot about what your Set Smooth setting was at. Your sphere seems to have some jaggies.
Andy83, the background on your picture looks like some I had when I was first trying HDRI - I only got a partial background or none. The problem was solved by trying different probes. Its possible that some of the probes may have been corrupted in the download or something because some work great and others not so great. I’m not postitive about this but some probes didn’t come out right for me and the ones that did, I used the same settings.
About the clarity of the reflection in the example you showed, I used a nice reflective chrome sphere so you might play with your material settings some.
Don’t know about the grain, like BgDM said maybe we can figure it out if you make the blend file available.
The problem is the same across all the files I tried, so it’s nothing to do with the blend files as I can figure. I can post my YableX settings, there might be something I overlooked.
Could someone render this XML file for me? Comparing the resulting images may answer a few questions. It should only take a few minutes to render. You will need to change the probe location to match your own (uffizi).
Edit: code is below
umm, can you re-post that with the
tags, so we don’t have to edit it, or post the blend file so we can export ourselves?
I wanted someone else to render from the exported XML code as this would answer the question of whether I was setting the scene up incorrectly in Blender, or there was something wrong with my light probes.
Change the location of your HDRI probe near the bottom.
Here’s the whole scene (sorry it’s so large ):
- <!--
Exported with YaBlE.
For any comment or question refer to [email protected]
- <!-- Visit for news and announcements
- <!-- Thanks to Jandro, Eeshlo and all the guys from
- <scene>
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- <shader type="generic" name="Default">
- <attributes>
<color r="0.750000" g="0.750000" b="0.800000" />
<specular r="0.000000" g="0.000000" b="0.000000" />
<reflected r="0.000000" g="0.000000" b="0.000000" />
<transmitted r="0.000000" g="0.000000" b="0.000000" />
- <transform m00="-0.000000" m01="0.000000" m02="1.000000" m03="-0.040460" m10="1.000000" m11="0.000000" m12="0.000000" m13="0.024242" m20="0.000000" m21="1.000000" m22="-0.000000" m23="-2.004787" m30="0.000000" m31="0.000000" m32="0.000000" m33="1.000000">
- <object name="Cube" shader_name="Default">
<attributes />
- <mesh>
- <points>
<p x="9.428951" y="0.246876" z="-9.178235" />
<p x="9.428951" y="-18.109592" z="-9.178234" />
<p x="-8.927520" y="-18.109592" z="-9.178235" />
<p x="-8.927515" y="0.246881" z="-9.178236" />
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<p x="9.428946" y="-18.109600" z="9.178236" />
<p x="-8.927523" y="-18.109589" z="9.178235" />
<p x="-8.927518" y="0.246877" z="9.178234" />
- <faces>
<f a="0" b="1" c="2" />
<f a="2" b="3" c="0" />
<f a="4" b="7" c="6" />
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<f a="5" b="1" c="0" />
<f a="1" b="5" c="6" />
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<f a="2" b="6" c="7" />
<f a="7" b="3" c="2" />
<f a="4" b="0" c="3" />
<f a="3" b="7" c="4" />
<light type="hemilight" name="sky" power="1.000000" samples="256" use_QMC="on" />
- <camera name="Camera" resx="640" resy="480" focal="1.093750">
<from x="0.000000" y="-8.128851" z="0.000000" />
<to x="0.000000" y="-7.128851" z="0.000000" />
<up x="0.000000" y="-8.128851" z="1.000000" />
- <background type="HDRI" name="envhdri" exposure_adjust="0">
<filename value="C:\HDRI\uffizi_probe.hdr" />
- <render camera_name="Camera" AA_passes="2" AA_minsamples="2" AA_pixelwidth="1.500000" AA_threshold="0.040000" raydepth="5" bias="0.300000" gamma="1.000000" exposure="0.000000" background_name="envhdri">
<outfile value="hdritest.tga" />
yeah, i think your right. just post the blend file and we can export direct and render without any tweaks.
For the autosmooth. Set it to 90, 30 is usually not enough for really smooth objects.
Also, when you are exporting the subsurf level shown must be set to the rendered value.
Hmm I’ve just tried it with autosmooth at 90 and it’s still jagged :-?
Could someone post the XML from a simple smooth sphere in HDRI so I can take a look at it?
Another question: How do I use procedural textures in Yafray?
Here is the xml file for the image I posted above:
- <!-- Exported with YaBlE.
For any comment or question refer to [email protected]
- <!-- Visit for news and announcements
- <!-- Thanks to Jandro, Eeshlo and all the guys from
- <scene>
- <shader type="generic" name="Plane.mat">
- <attributes>
<color r="1.000000" g="1.000000" b="1.000000" />
<hard value="25.000000" />
<min_refle value="0.200000" />
<fast_fresnel value="on" />
- <transform m00="1.000000" m01="0.000000" m02="0.000000" m03="0.000000" m10="0.000000" m11="1.000000" m12="0.000000" m13="0.000000" m20="0.000000" m21="0.000000" m22="1.000000" m23="0.000000" m30="0.000000" m31="0.000000" m32="0.000000" m33="1.000000">
- <object name="Plane" shader_name="Plane.mat" recv_rad="on" emit_rad="on" shadow="on">
<attributes />
- <mesh autosmooth="45.0">
<include file=".\Meshes\Plane.xml" />
- <shader type="generic" name="Sphere.mat">
- <attributes>
<color r="0.000000" g="0.010526" b="0.142105" />
<specular r="1.000000" g="1.000000" b="1.000000" />
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<reflected2 r="1.000000" g="1.000000" b="0.929577" />
<hard value="25.000000" />
<IOR value="2.600000" />
<min_refle value="0.200000" />
<fast_fresnel value="on" />
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- <object name="Sphere" shader_name="Sphere.mat" recv_rad="on" emit_rad="on" shadow="on">
<attributes />
- <mesh autosmooth="90.0">
<include file=".\Meshes\Sphere.xml" />
<light type="hemilight" name="sky" power="1.000000" samples="256" use_QMC="off" />
- <camera name="Camera" resx="640" resy="480" focal="1.093750">
<from x="-1.000000" y="-2.128851" z="4.000000" />
<to x="-0.851547" y="-1.574818" z="3.180848" />
<up x="-0.787988" y="-1.337611" z="4.573577" />
- <background type="HDRI" name="envhdri" exposure_adjust="0">
<filename value="C:\Derek\HDRI\uffizi_probe.hdr" />
- <render camera_name="Camera" AA_passes="6" AA_minsamples="6" AA_pixelwidth="1.500000" AA_threshold="0.040000" raydepth="5" bias="0.300000" gamma="1.000000" exposure="0.000000" background_name="envhdri">
<outfile value="chrome_sphere.tga" />