HDRI\Yable tutorial

I am able to get some basic HDRI images rendered. However, I remember recently reading something over at https://blenderartists.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8387&start=180 by bgDM about HDRI.

TO use them, just add the path to the HDRI file in YableX in the GUI and export. TO use the HDRI file properly, you will need to edit the xml file and delete the colour line in the Hemi Light. THis will make Yafray use the colours and lightin from the HDRI file. Also, when using an HDRI file, be sure to only set the power of the lamp to about 1. Any more and your scene will get very saturated with light. I learned the hard way

Can someone tell me what it means to use HDRI properly and how to do it exactly?



See this thread I put up at YAFray forum in response to a question by ztonzy:


Hope that helps. If you have any other questions, just post them here.


I actually found that setting the hemilight to 2 doesnt produce bad results either :slight_smile: Anyways, I was wondering what values in the xml file i would have to edit to use the light probes ‘properly.’

Also, when I use the HDRI image now (without manualy editing the xml file) does Yafray use the light probe for light intensity AND color? or just color?



I strongly urge you to either go to eeshlo’s page


or Paul Debevec page. http://www.debevec.org/ and read some of the info on this. VERY good (interesting) stuff. You’ll know much of what you speak when you leave there. :slight_smile:

Well, if you add the path to the HDRI file in the GUI in YableX and set the light colour to 0,0,0, YAFray will use the light probe properly. You don’t have to do anything else.

If you do as above, it will use both.