This work in progress is of a head model that I began working on last night. The topology needs to be changed around the nose/brow area because it looks horrible and doesn’t look like it will deform and create nice brow shapes easily, does someone know somewhere to study a good brow topology?
I’m not too sure how far I’m going to take this model, whether I’ll stop when I’m done modelling or whether I’ll go on to sculpt some or texture and maybe even rig and animate it. Ultimately this is a modelling piece that I want to be able to put into my show-reel.
I know the shape of the head is wrong so far and is something I’m working on, but I really want some help taking this further but before i can move on I need some solid topology. So anything needs changing or reworking please dont hesitate. Crits encouraged.
just tested out some different edgeflow around the brows, still cant understand why it looks odd Ive been looking at other edgeflow on other peoples models but still can’t figure it out.
I’ve been having a lot of bother with my topology, Today I went on to model the rest of the head and re-route the topology from the jaw to the ear. However I’m trying to figure out if the current topology will give me good enough deformation around the eye brows, neck and jaw. Can anyone help me out?
Today I started to rework topology and make it flow better. Ive also done some more work on the throat, chin, mouth, nose and eyebrows to try and make them fit the reference more accurately.
I’m struggling to decide what the next step will be, I would like to go into sculpting and add some fine details and a pourous texture. But I’ll give it a few days first and finish the modelling part.
Ok, i think that I’ve finished the initial modeling now. Next I want to start doing some sculpting work but theres a problem. When I subdevide the multi resolution and begin sculpting when I click on the screen a part or sometimes all of the mesh dissappears until I let go of the mousebutton. Anyone else had an Issue like this?
Yeah I’ve had similar problems with the multires modifier it currently seams to be a little unstable, hopefully any problems will be fixed before the final release.
Ok, I managed to find a solution to my problem. It wasnt by using a later build there was something about the mesh that blender didnt like. with the head selected I pressed control+A and applied transformation scale and rotation along with visual transform. After this I reapplied the multi resolution modifier and hey presto it worked.
Nothing too exciting so far, projection map painting was used initially and then given a slight paint over to remove unwanted parts, ie brows and hair. The subsurface scattering is at default values and I am looking into building a multi layered SSS shader.
Can anyone offer any crits and feedback on the progress thus far and what I should take into consideration preceding with this project.
Good work so far. The modeling is good and the last render is done well. It will be interesting to compare the photo reference with the finished model. This is going to look great once you get the hair done and get the model’s skin textured.
Is it possible for us to use the reference images to model from?
thanks again, Serialsiner. I too am looking forwards to seeing it with hair, I did a little test last week with an older model in the blender tests section on this forum. I found the hair particularly difficult to work with, especially trying to get it to look like my mop of a head.