Heart Necklace

Hey guys, I created a necklace in Blender 2.55
This idea came to mind and just added stuff as i made it. The text was going to be embossed into the centre plate but every time I tried to do a boolean modifier, the program froze and wouldn’t release, even if i had left it for half an hour.

So yeah, made this for my girlfriend and I hope you guys admire my work :slight_smile:

This next one is the orignal of the final renders i had done before I added a chest stand and a DoF effect

Quick Update:
I added a bump map texture to the centre plate to get a nice embossing

Amazing job. I’m sure she will love it =) Can’t you use a normal map to make the letters appear as if they were raised or pressed in instead of using the boolean modifier ?

Hmm, I’m not an advanced user of blender, but I guess I can look into using normal map. Thanks for the tip =]

Lol. Im not an advanced user either. I cant even make anything to look as nice as your render. There is a simple way to get the embossed effect. In 2.49 there was a button in the map to or map input tab called nor and you can apply a texture and then hit that to give it depth. Blendercookie.com has a ton of free tutorials for all levels and it even has one where you learn to make an embossed floral pattern. I would go and check it out and you might be able to use what you learn there and apply it to your project.

The tutorial that you should look for is the one with a steam punk telescope.

That is nice!

I’ve applied a bump map with an image I made in Fireworks (It’s just what I have). So now it’s rendering and I’ll upload it once it’s done :slight_smile:

Great job. It looks even better now. The font you picked also helped a lot. Keep up the great work.

sweet .