Created in Blender, post effected in Photoshop (blur, color correction, layers).
Created in Blender, post effected in Photoshop (blur, color correction, layers).
Very nice
Alice in wonderland?
stunning image, very cool image. Could you maybe give some close-ups of the roses? (how did you make them?)
Spectacular image. Storybook feel to it. I like this a lot. Excellent job.
Roses coming from my old picture:
Simple modelling… There is a topic somewhere with this picture.
Incredible, like always
Please make a tutorial for good rendering like your post
I have posted this picture on CGTalk:
Comments welcome… We must lift up Blender artworks!
Do you post your pictures on CGTalk?
Beautyfull Looks like painting
Amazing :o
I fisrt tought, that the brick texture was little off, but then the whole scene loaded before my eyes, and i became in conclusion, that my judgement was hasty. Great atmosphere, this could go straight in Alice in Wonderland novels picturing.
Oh, and maybe you could do somekind of a tute, where you could show us your post processing techniques?
can i ask how you got the shperes to have 4 sided polygons rather than 3 sided polygons.
it just looks so much neater this way.
was it sub surf???
or was it Icospehere then using the shortcut key that makes them quads??
looks really nice.
nice pic but the roses just throw it all off - they look photoshop stamped cause they are all pointin in the same direction. it worked in the other piece but doesnt work in a much more 3d environment.
Very nice. I agree about the roses being in the same direction. Should be more random.
Also, the girls hair should be more flowing behind her, due to her being running.
Nice work though, as always.
That’s a SubSurfed IconSphere
well… umm
That’s a SubSurfed IconSphere
Awesome image! My complements to you!
I was also interested to see how the half-sphere was created. I think it would look cool as a frame that is supporting a glass dome rather than stone.
very nice
i dont like how all the plants are shaped like snowmen though, and the girls hair is a bit metalish and flat, and she almost looks like a small knight :-?
the grass and leavery on the ground is stunning
err, more branchless trees in the back? kind looks like a swarm of green bees again with no branches holding them leaves up
i like the style and atmosphere, but its soooooo similar to all your past posts, its getting stale
great textring and i love how good you are with greenery
Huh! :o
On the young tree’s top there is very thick branches. And when the light is strong, we will not see the thick branches.
Very nice picture, has an almost painted look and feel. Good job man!!!
Blend on, and blend well!!!
On the young tree’s top there is very thick branches. And when the light is strong, we will not see the thick branches.
lol a peek at the wireframe render shows no trace of branches… the lighting in the scene is not super bright either, especially on the very left hand sided tree, there is bound to be some visible branches no matter how thin… if you stuck a sun behind one of the trees maybe, cause the glow would drown out the branches, but the background is pretty neutral near where the trees are… and though a single branch may not be visible, on the tree on the right, theres no visible branches in the middle where a bunch of branches would surely cross each other creating a thicker mass