Height map from terrain for use in unreal

Okay it’s definitely because of the file I’m trying to export to. The folder that works is D:\Desktop\Height, and the folder that doesn’t work is D:\Desktop\Blender Stuff\BLEND_SAVE\REG_SAVES\Biomes\Height. Cross referenced and they all have identical traits in your addon and the mesh’s them selves aside from the actual terrain. Hope that’s helpful

Does it work with the relative folder?

Yes, both .blends will export to the D:\Desktop\Height fine with relative path, but wont export with PATH or RELATIVE to the other folder destination.

Edit: I mean it thinks its exporting, like I said it will add all the files and folders, just not the textures.

The path needs to end with a back slash (), if you click on the folder icon at the end of the row, navigate inside the folder and click accept, the backslash should be automatically added. Did you type in the path manually?

The forum won’t show the backslash character, so here it is:


Just to be sure, this is how it should look? Still does not export any textures. The Desktop workaround is fine but I see why you would wanna resolve this.Capture

Yeah, unfortunately this is how it’s supposed to look.

Could you show me the whole path? Cause it’s …-ed out in the image.

Sure, Capture

Which results in this, if it might help,

Could you open Handplane, drag the .HPB file and bake?

Yeah, that put the height map in the textures folder and deposited a log below the .HPB file.

Are you on Windows?

Yup, Windows 10 Pro, Build 16299

Windows key + R and run this (with your path)

C:\Program Files\Handplane3D LLC\Handplane Baker\handplaneCMD.exe /project D:\path_to_your_folder\project_file.hpb

Sorry, bit out of my depth lol what do I do exactly once the run window is up?

Type in the path and hit OK.

It just opened blender… What am I supposed to do with the 2 paths you posted I mean

C:\Program Files\Handplane3D LLC\Handplane Baker\handplaneCMD.exe /project D:\path_to_your_folder\project_file.hpb

This opened Blender?

Oh I’m supposed to put all of that in Run and fill in the textures folder path where you have “path to your folder”? Sorry out of my depth was probably an understatement

Run this:

C:\Program Files\Handplane3D LLC\Handplane Baker\handplaneCMD.exe /project D:\Desktop\Blender Stuff\BLEND_SAVE\REG_SAVES\Biomes\Height\Height_Image.hpb

That does nothing when I hit OK, but I dont think it exist like that on my pc, this is where the .HPB file is,

Edit: and I cant open the .HPB to get that suffix on the path