Helios pt 16 - '70s German Table fan

I saw a model of this ventilator in a german design museum, I took some pictures and I tried to model it.

I just rendered this blue version

Hello, which Museum did you come across this Fan exactly? I have a similar fan but it doesn’t say helios. Mine says “Taunus hausgerate”. This fan is still working. I was trying to find more information about this fan but the searches doesn’t lead me anywhere. I wanted to know more about this fan because I want a new one hahaah. When I asked Germans that I know, they said since this fan doesn’t have protection for the wings, probably it’s not in production anymore. And they don’t have any info either. So, if you can let me know the museum, maybe I can try to contact them :3

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:joy: I never thought I would have a comment under this ugly render.
I saw a model in the “Stadtmuseum Hornmoldhaus” of Bietigheim-Bissingen. There is a small collection of old German design objects… Mainly just orange objects…
I am sure it was an Helios: there was the sticker with the logo and I searched reference images on eBay.
Maybe two different companies were holding the same patent… Or maybe one brand was sold in DDR and the other one in BDR! Who knows!

Hahahah. I guess somethings doesn’t mean anything for someone but it be be the world for someone :star_struck:. Thank you very much for the info. I will search more about it. I have started a thread in r/de in reddit. If you want to know more, you can visit here


Actually some redditors were suggesting to search for helios pt in ebay. I see couple of listings. And also some in etsy.