Hello Blender, whoa what happened???

Hello blender(s)… It has been some time (year plus) sense I last touched blender and let me say I missed it. I am still VERY new to blender even back then but I had some concept of where everything was (back then). I have downloaded the latest version (2.5) and man am I lost where everything is… :spin:

I like the idea of being able to pull apart windows, especially sense I work with dual screens. I have found many of the blender wiki’s and stuff but are there any out there that points to the 2.5 version and where everything is? Or maybe tutorials that incorporate the 2.5 version or one like it?

Any direction would be good but if not then all good…

The artist on here are just amazing and inspiring too… Thanks…

I am a complete newbie to Blender but I picked up a copy of Roland Hess’s "Blender Foundations - The essential guide to learning Blender 2.6 " . (I guess he likes to stay ahead of the game - but it applies to 2.5 too) which I am finding very interesting. There is a supporting website for the book too at www.blenderfoundations.com.
I have been advised to learn 2.4 first by a couple of more experienced users, but the book says “If you have prior Blender experience, some of the higher-level stuff will stay, but prepare to blow it up and learn it again”. And I don’t know if i can be bothered doing it twice. Once seems hard enough :wink:
Anyway hope this helps.

If anybody starts with Blender, i’ll recommand to pick 2.5x and not 2.49 wich is very much too different. Many of the 2.49, that skilled people seem to miss, won’t even appear to you.
I lately made 90% of a complete short movie on Blender 2.5 ALPHA… And now, Beta is even better!
Go for the GarphicAll and search the latest builds fitting to your needs and machine configuration. You’ll be just fine!
Good luck folks!

wow… thanks guys, I pick up that book and check it out… I have the beta version 2.54. Dispite the huge change i like it, just need to find my way through it…

A migration video for ya:

go to www.blendercookie.com, watch all tutorials. don’t even open blender yourself. now you know where and what it is.

And just play, fastest and most fun way to learn is to play and have fun.

“consider the ‘2.6’ as a typo.”
By Mr. Hess on his blog Harkyman.com Link in title:
Blender Foundations: The Essential Guide to Blender 2.5

				Aug 10th, 2010 by [admin](http://www.harkyman.com/author/admin/)   
			 				 					Although a lot of people  obviously know about it already, I’ve not announced it here officially,  so here we go:

Blender Foundations: The Essential Guide to Learning Blender 2.5
is now shipping!Let’s clear up three bits of grief first. The book cover and text reads “Blender 2.6″. Unfortunately, when the cover art was finalized and locked at the printer’s several months ago, the official (and unofficial) word was that the released version of the Blender after all of these alphas and betas would be called Blender 2.6. That has changed. We had to make a call, and we made the wrong one. So don’t be scared of the “2.6″. It’s entirely cosmetic.

here’s a nice little transition guide


lots of other good stuff on that site as well

a good set of lessons here http://gryllus.net/Blender/3D.html (see Learning Units )