Hello everyone how to create this isometric squares, im beginner, im trying many times but not able

I am not sure how to achieve the exact result. Because illumination is not matching. However a single one is possible. It looks like a radial hexagonal array of single element.

You can achieve a single block like this:

  • Modelling
    1. Create a cube, adjust the size to approximate lower block.
    2. Inset to inner square, then extend to approximate second.
    3. Inset once again to have inside part.
  • Shading
    1. Quantize your illuminated areas to render certain colors. or Create a simple cel shader with 3 colors. You can simply google cel shader.
    2. On your shader editor select world to set single color.
    3. On top part if you do not want to add additional geometry you can add different quantization level material to achieve same effect.

I have attached a sample similar render for your inspection.


  1. extension
  2. adding blender file

blender_artists_1547159.blend (1008.5 KB)

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@orthrin thank you so much

It could be tricky, first of all set your view and camera to orthographic, then you can crate yor shepe (easy part)
For shading use emission node, assign different colors to faces:

The tricky part is to put everything together, i have ended with this:
example.blend (1008.0 KB)


You are welcome I have added file for your inspection. @Andreal has better idea with emission shader that should do the exact results. If you assign materals for each face.

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It’s not perfect but I made it, it’s hard to figure the angles:

example.blend (1.0 MB)

@Andreal thank you and nice effort

I’d say: render only one and do the rest in compositor. Just diplicate the image and rotate it by 60 degrees. Do this 4 times more and you’re done.
Maybe there’s a “pattern” node or something like that so you can do it all at once.

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Easiest one, thats for sure

patternimage.blend (1.0 MB)
You have to get the camera angles right, I did it quick’n dirty.
Easiest way would be to put the cam in an empty and rotate that by 60° I think.

A bit more refinded. Move the empty to adyust the cubes position.
patternimage.blend (1.0 MB)

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I haven’t checked Andreal’s method, maybe it’s the same?

I think there are probably a couple of ways, but I think this is the easiest to explain.

Add a camera. Set the camera rotation to X 54.736; Y 0; Z 45. Lock the rotation, so that the camera will not rotate accidently as you move the camera.
Press G and press Z twice to “zoom” out.
Go into the camera settings and change the Type from Perspective to Orthographic. You can also change the Orthographic Scale to a higher number if needed.

Now add a plane. Yes, a simple plane. Select it and move it in Object mode -(minus) 1.5 along the Y axis.
Please press 7 on the NUM-pad, so that you see the plane from above.
Now go into edit mode and select the upper right corner and bring the origin to this corner. There are multiple ways of doing that, I will explain the default one:
Select the corner; press Shift + S; press 2; go out of edit mode; right click the object; Set Origin; Origin to 3D Cursor. Press Shift + S again and set the 3D cursor back to World Origin.

Now add an empty. The empty needs to be rotated too. Set the rotation to X -45; Y 19.5; Z -45.
Select your plane and add an Array Modifier. ONLY use Object Offset and select the Empty as the Object. And of course change the count to 6.
Go into your camera by pressing 0 on your NUM-Pad. You will already see the basic shape.

Select the plane, go into edit mode and extrude the plane, maybe 0.5. Add 4 loop cuts on each side(in X and Y direction). You don’t need “the hole”, it’s just an illusion.
So just select the 3 by 3 in the middle and extrude it 0.4.
If you need to change the position of your plane along the Y axis to make it look better, always go back into Object mode. Otherwise you will change the origin position in relation to your object, which changes the result for the worse.

And then add emission shaders as already explained above.

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