I have use blender for a quiet long time but still new to it, just want to say hello
I have modeled a rifle, can someone tell me what do u think of it…and also i am 13
the site is: http://www25.brinkster.com/adaart/Index.html (under construction, but u can go to animations page and click on the animted gif and tell me what u think of the model) and also, i never use the bump map thing…i will find it…out…
Hi, welcome, don’t pay much attention to me, it’s not a good survival trate.
Nice rifle, the rotation’s a bit irregular, but that may just be my modem.
Heh, nice to see you, miss…ter. Sorry, couldn’t resist.
PS: Beware of the other 13-year olds. WeirdHat, Valarking, and Muteinvert are all insane. (Okay, WH technically isn’t, but come on, he’s memorized so much of pi.)
Funny thing gargola… I also wanted to ask the same question…
Anyway, whatever you are (male/female…) nice to have you with us…
Ohhh and watch out CubeFan…
He’s a good kid, but man… sometimes he can be very stubborn!!! It took us 6 pages in another thread, just to persuade him go download DivX!!!
(no offense Cube, I’m just joking…)
“lolalot?” Ehhhh… is that the sequel to “Lola Rennt?” That movie RULES! Go see it! Oh, sorry. Just kidding, I know you probably meant something like “LOL a lot” or “Locks are good” or “Cube needs to shut up” or something around those lines.
PS: Yes, I did forget myself… it wasn’t an accident, I’m trying to brainwash the newbies. :< (Where’s the one with a devil grinning? Kib… er, S68, hint hint.)