Hello, i am new and kinda new at blender

I have use blender for a quiet long time but still new to it, just want to say hello :smiley:

I have modeled a rifle, can someone tell me what do u think of it…and also i am 13 :stuck_out_tongue:

the site is: http://www25.brinkster.com/adaart/Index.html (under construction, but u can go to animations page and click on the animted gif and tell me what u think of the model) and also, i never use the bump map thing…i will find it…out…

thax :slight_smile:

Welcome to the comminity!!!

I just get a under construction page when trying your link tho…


Blend on, and blend well!!!

hey, thax…noooo, just go to the site and go to animations page cause i have put the rifle model there :smiley:

LoL, maybe if i acctually read things… hehe :wink:

Nice rifle!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!


Did i win that competition??..lol…j/k

thax man :slight_smile:

I think it should be posted in the artwork forums.

Hello and welcome!

Hey. nice to see ya.

nice rifle, hehe it rotates nicely too! :smiley:

nice modeling dude…or is it girl?

I am no girl, dude!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi, welcome, don’t pay much attention to me, it’s not a good survival trate. :wink:
Nice rifle, the rotation’s a bit irregular, but that may just be my modem.

Very nice site!

And as Skating kow said, don’t pay any attention to him :wink:

Heh, nice to see you, miss…ter. Sorry, couldn’t resist.

PS: Beware of the other 13-year olds. WeirdHat, Valarking, and Muteinvert are all insane. (Okay, WH technically isn’t, but come on, he’s memorized so much of pi.)

Hi, always nice to have another blender user :slight_smile:
the lighting of your rifle needs some work.

um Cube you forgot to mention yourself on that list didnt you?
or are you 14 finally :wink:

Ha, ha, ha…

Funny thing gargola… I also wanted to ask the same question…

Anyway, whatever you are (male/female…) nice to have you with us…

Ohhh and watch out CubeFan…

He’s a good kid, but man… sometimes he can be very stubborn!!! It took us 6 pages in another thread, just to persuade him go download DivX!!! :stuck_out_tongue:
(no offense Cube, I’m just joking…)

Have fun ada89…


Thax guys :smiley: …lolalot

“lolalot?” Ehhhh… is that the sequel to “Lola Rennt?” That movie RULES! Go see it! Oh, sorry. Just kidding, I know you probably meant something like “LOL a lot” or “Locks are good” or “Cube needs to shut up” or something around those lines.

PS: Yes, I did forget myself… it wasn’t an accident, I’m trying to brainwash the newbies. :< (Where’s the one with a devil grinning? Kib… er, S68, hint hint.)

… :o

He’s never serious, REMEMBER THAT.