Hello i tried to do a hook for pudge in blender but i made it too complex like 24000 triangles and i need you help to make my hook a little sample i need it to be like 300 - 350 triangles here is the link https://www.dropbox.com/s/g8kzkr41zbzp5vu/pudgebun.blend
I’ve made DotA stuff before so I know what you’re talking about. You could try applying any subdivision modifiers you’re using and then give the object a decimate modifier. Keep the modifier set to collapse and then just lower the ratio and you’ll see the tri count drop drastically. Hope this will help!
theres actually a few ways you can go about doing this, depending on how detailed you need the object to be and how much control you want to have over its shape. as soopursam mentioned you could use blender’s built in optimization tools but i tend to dislike the lack of diurect control i have when doing so.
the second method would be to create a container for the object. basically recreate its general shape (as close as possible staying within the contraints of your poly limit), unwrapping the container, using smartwrap on the high poly version and applying it as a displacement map for the lower one.
another way would be to go in and hand remove wastefull geometry. the name of the function escapes me at the moment, but you simply go into face/edge/vert mode, select the geometry you wish to remove and then hit ctrl-x. i tend to prefer this method over the previous one since i find it gives you more controll over what you are doing.
the last would be to use blenders topology tool and redo the topology from scratch. basically what this means is that you would create a new object while essentialy tracing what is already there. unfortunetly im not too familliar with retopology tools, but im sure you could find some quick youtube videos to get you on your way
there are probably a million and one other ways yopu can go abo=ut doing it, but these are the ways that i am aware of and that i would recomend you look into
best of luck in your endevours
Remodel it and learn how to model correctly for low poly. That’s the best way to learn.
Well, you aren’t going to be able to maintain those details with only 350 tris. Your best bet would be to re-model from scratch. Build the overall shape with a few simple extrusions, then add details until you get to your 350 tri limit.
This is a rough approximation of your shape, and it’s already at 236 tris. Rounding off the square corners would probably use up the remainder of your 350 tri budget.
Thankyou guys you really helped me!