Hi, to everyone. I am very beginner in Blender and i need little bit help, because with my last scene something goes wrong and i can not find decision ;(
I had a white object in my scene ( I just to say that is not completely finished i had a lot of work on it ) but when i start render i see it, but when i am in object mode or edit mode trying to find that part …and hide it or delete it i do not see it! i check all my meshes, also the lamps, lights, each one of them by clicking and again same problem ;(
I will be very happy if someone can give me advice : (
Find the object in the “Outliner” and make sure things are set as you expect them to be. The “Camera” if greyed won’t render the object. The “Eye” if greyed won’t show it in the 3D view. The “Arrow” if greyed won’t let you select the mesh. When objects get lost this is usually the easiest way to find them because they will always show in the Outliner.
Thank you, I will check now i think the problem is in the arrows. When i model the mesh for mountains I hide or rework many times, because i want to be enough smooth and with nice shape ( so far leading of what i learn from watching tutorials ). Thanks again : ) I will wrote you again when i have result : )