

i am new on this forum.
if u want anything to know just ask me


yes i would like somthing to know.

could you please sugest somthing i might like to know :wink:



uhm… my telephone number?

nope got it already

I want to ask you some questions from Monty Python’s Holy Grail.

What is your favourite colour?

I have a question too, if Neo is the messiah… will he rise from his grave to heaven ?

Blue…no, green.


my favo color… purple :stuck_out_tongue:

btw: matrix is just a movie :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s not true… I believe… I believe in the matrix. There is no spoon.

blasphamy! the matrix is real, and it has you. I won’t tolerate such talk in these forums. will an admin please remove Franky from elysiun.

J/K I tend to agree, people get way too excited about the matrix. Welcome to the forums.

blasphamy! the matrix is real, and it has you. I won’t tolerate such talk in these forums. will an admin please remove Franky from elysiun.[/quote]

SERIOUSLY, WTF is your !$#@ing problem Franky!?

Btw, LOL @ purple.

ow shit… i am disconnected… i need to find the keymaker :Z