Hi everyone, this is my first forum post, I hope I got this in the right place.
First off i’m am a noob to blender. I am trying to make a scene where you have a soft body marble that falls down a sort of thing and ends up in a box of other soft body objects. I’ll post a screen shot since I cant descibe it very well. The problem is that my soft body marble keeps falling through my meshs and also the meshs don’t seem to be render correctly because they kind of fade in and out of being rendered when I draw everything with textures, however if I draw everything in wireframe its all fine. Also the boundary between the mesh and the marble is really big and i don’t know how to make it smaller. It looks like my marble is hovering a foot above the mesh, before it falls straight through it at a random point.
As I said before I am a noob and I probably forgot to do something when I made the meshs. Any help is appreciated.