Help All vertices and no Face/Edges

okay well Hi everyone newb here i Started my model with a background image that i traced with bezier curves after tracing the front of the model and the side i turned it into a mesh but there are zero faces any help would be much appreciated.

When you want to model an object using curves you would need to use surface nurbs curves. These curves can be used to create and model surfaces.

Bezier curves can’t be used for creating surfaces (unless you use them for beveling, i. d. beveling a curve along another curve to create a surface). When you convert a normal bezier curve into a mesh you’ll get a set of vertices connected by edges.

However you could use bezier curves to trace the contour of your object and later use them as helper lines for polygon modeling.

Thank you for the info im trying to model a body using backgrounds images what would be the best method of tracing it or maybe you could give me a link to a good tutorial

Some posts below in this forum section (modeling) there is a post: modeling a body.

There are actually two links to tutorials that use background images. They might be of help
(the link should be:

Tracing: you can use curves for tracing when doing polygon modeling. I use curves for that purpose as well and find it quite helpful to get a better view of how the shapes of the model shall be. However this is my personal preference.

Unfortunately Blender does not (yet) have an inbuilt function for snapping vertices to a curve, which would be a great help for this kind of modeling.

Okay i hate to bother you still about this but nurbs curves if i did trace my model with them when coverted to a mesh would they become faces and thus create my model roughly

Nurbs “skinning” is a little more complicated and a simple response here would probably confuse you more. If it’s nurbs you plan on using then here are some tutorials that should help.

Thank you so much for all the wonderful info i decided not to go with the curves modeling right now i just used a cube and extruded it alot and now i have this model i am very happy with i did attach a pic of it maybe somone or even you could give me some pointers I am happy that i just got the general shape but now i have to learn to detail it
