Help creating mountain walls

Can anyone help me creating dramatic looking rocky mountain walls or give some guidelines to begin? It is very hard to find something with the search mashines, because the words “mountain”, “wall” and “rock” have so many dual meanings…

I remember from the teaser of Creature Factory a mountain scene, but is there some introduction how to do it?

Thanks in advance!

Hello SnifiX.

There are various ways to create rocky mountain walls. I am listing some ideas and some links to get your started.

  1. Creating a grid and then using proportional editing tools to move a vertex or set of vertices using the various fall-off type.
  2. Creating a base mesh of the terrain and then using the sculpting tools to push/pull and add details.
  3. Using the displace modifier for meshes (with a texture controlling the displacement). You can use this feature in conjunction with the above two methods to get more flexible and interesting results.
    Hope this helps. :smiley:

Blend on!!
