Help, Cycles view port all objects grey

When ever I’m in the viewport and choose rendered, it shows all the objects as grey and im not sure whats causing it, the other two engines work but cycles won’t.

I don’t think there’s any lighting :thinking:

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I have a light so there should be lighting

Turn up the light strength/power

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I can’t confirm where the lights are. :thinking:

The intensity of the light may be weak, so it may not be able to show objects, or it may not be able to function properly because it is hidden by other objects.

they work in the shading tab though

the light works in the shading tab so I’m confident its close and powerful enough


Try setting the World Environment settings to white.

If you can’t see it even with this setting, you’ll need to check the rendering-related settings.
If all objects are visible in this setting, it is a matter of lighting settings.