I want to do something very simple, which i could do manually but id like it to be more of a uniform thing.
I have several objects that i need exploded away from each other on the x,y axis as im making an exploded axonometric drawing. is there any way i can select all my objects and move them away from the centre?
You could enable the ‘Manipulate Center Points’ option on the 3d view header (to the right of the pivot point option)
, then scale the selected objects. To scale just on the X and Y axis you would use S / Shift+Z for scaling
thanks for getting back to me. ive just tried that now. heres the file if youd like to try but im not sure whats happening? it looked like it was about to work at one point but when i tried to reposition it it stopped… http://www.pasteall.org/blend/26674
You need to select all objects.
This scales the object origins. You have many objects with their origins in the same location so they will not move apart. To reset each object origin, select all the objects and in top of the toolshelf (T) press the Origin button and select ‘Origin to Geometry’. Then select all objects and scale them apart
i just had the biggest ahhhh right moment when i saw that video. thanks so much. i totally forgot that id need to reset all the origins on the objects after splitting them for this to work! thanks!!!