Ok as the name implies i’m having trouble extruding. I made the outline of a building and planned on extruding to give the walls thickness. Heres whats hapening. Take a plan, extrude it, you get 6 faces right? Well when i extrude, it deletes the original face leaving 5 faces. I want to extrude the walls in, but I want the outer faces to not get deleted. Anyone know whats going on? Please don’t tell me its a glitch and I have to remake the mesh…its taken me like 3 hours to make this…
I tried all of them…and when i do it to just a square face, it turns it into a box like its suppose to. I’ve tried to clean up the mesh every way i can…remove doubles, recalculate normals, is their anything i missed?
r u sure the face is deleted, and not just normal flipped appearing invisible?
If it is working as expected with a plane into a cube, what is not working as expected with your building? some pics would help us visualize what the issue is.
I think you must be using the extrude > region command, because it usually deletes the original face. I just tried it with a plane, and it didn’t do it for me, but here’s how to get around it. The extrude > region is still the way to go.
First, make a duplicate of you plane (in edit mode) and move it, say 10 BU along the X axis, so that it is off of the rest of your blueprint (remember this number). Then, select one of the groups, and extrude it like you were doing, with the extrude region command. Check the bottom faces to see if they disappeared (switch to face-select mode). If they did (that’s kinda weird), then simply move the duplicated copy of the blueprints that you didn’t extrude back under the one you did (enter the negative of the number from earlier) and then (probably in vertex select mode) click “RemDou” to join them (this will only work if they’re placed exactly together).
“cuz when u extrude a single face from say a grid then yea it “deletes” the original plane”…damn, that pretty much sums it up. I wish I had known that before I started. How do I post the file? I’ll let you guys check it out and see how you would ge it working…
If you select the entire outline, then it will do (more or less) what you want it to do. You will need to use Scale Shift+Axis to scale on only two axes and you will need to do a bit of clean-up, as you can see, the wall thickness is not exactly uniform.
Or, given that your interest is mainly on one face, just scale the whole thing in along a single axis. That will keep one face uniform, but will give you doubled faces perpendicular to it which will need to be dealt with (possibly by deselecting the good wall and scaling the rest in along the other axis.)