Hi all,
This may be a really silly question but I just cannot figure it out myself. Say you have a mesh to which you have parented an Armature object. Now, say you get all the vertex groups right w.r.t the armature model, and you pose the mesh/armature into a desired pose, and you want to save a new mesh just for that particular pose without the armature. How could you do this? I tried posing the armature, then clearing the parent in all the ways offered by the clear-parent menu, and every time I do this, the mesh just goes back to its original form.
And similarly, if you want to create a new armature model from the existing one, but you want the default bone positions of the new armature to be the posed positions of the old one, how could you do this?
Would anyone be able to shed a light on this?
Thanks so much for reading!