I have been writting some code in python to help me animate things. I finally got it to compile using python. However, when i load it into Blender and press Alt-p to compile it blender cannot import numarray. I have tried moving the numarray files over from my python directory into the blender folder with no success. I am using Blender 2.27 on a windows machine. Any words of wisdom?
I am not a Python Guru, but I’ll try to see if I can help you, at least untill some serious coder decides to take charge…
First of all have you installed NumPy??? If you really want to be able your script to handle arrays, you’ve got to have it installed (not a part of the standard Python distribution…)… And ofcourse you have to make sure that it is included in your PYTHONPATH environment variable… You have set your PYTHONPATH ofcourse… Haven’t you (sorry to ask such a silly question, but sometimes you never know, so we have to make sure…)???
Better take your question over to Python&Plugins section, so that you have better chances, some serious coder would notice your question…