help! how should i model this?

hey! does anybody have any ideas how to start modeling my new mountian bike? ive thought about it, and i cant figure out the best way to start. heres an image (sorry, my digicam is at me moms, and i had to film my bike, and then steal a pic from the video)

note: the ‘FOES’ sticker, is in an indent, its like a bowl around that part

I would use the knife tool for that indented part. Just cut the edge, then cut another one inside, and scale it or pull it inwards.

extrude extrude extrude

(I would start with a cube)

even for that indent. Getting the edges to flow right may be interesting, but not particularly a problem if you make that part alinged to a world axis (that way you can constrain your movement to that axis)

the places you need to be exact (like the perfectly round holes) would best be modeled seperately, then attached.

to get seams around selected faces with subdivisio surfaces, extrude twice (no distance)