Help,..How to avoid mesh triangularization??

Hi,… I’m pretty new, and I’m confused…:confused:

I have modeled an object with the a bezier-curve and then I have extruded it. The object looks fine but when I convert it to a mesh a lot of triangles appear. How can I avoid that? I haven’t found any documentation about that,…

Thanks to all of you :slight_smile:

I fear you can’t. Whenever you convert Curves to Meshes, the results are most likely very unclean, meaning a lot of triangles, and, as you can see as well, a lot of vertices, which makes ANY kind of further modeling work almost impossible. So, when you work with curves, it’s better to leave them alone and not to convert them, or only for rendering purposes maybe.

One thing that you can try would be triangles -> quads conversion in editmode. It’s in the menu under… Mesh->Faces->Convert Tris to Quads

Flip triangle edges (same place) can help you refine the results

yeah, if you want to avoid that you’ll have to use another modeling technique besides curves, such as poly to poly or box modeling.

But you could just Nurbs modeling and still have control over how this looks as you go and just convert it when done.

Thanks to all of you,…!!!

I’m going to look for another modeling technique as you said. To remove those triangles, is, in fact, a LOT of work,…:slight_smile:

Best regards,…

You might be able to get away with selecting one of your planar surfaces (i think there’s a “linked faces with angle less than N” selection command), and either using ALT-F (beautify fill), or deleting faces and edges only (so you still have the outline) and doing a new fill (CTRL-F or SHIFT-F, forget which), then the ALT-F beautify. Throw in a ALT-J (convert to quads) too.