I am a newbie with geometry nodes. I’ve searched everywhere and can’t find it (red square area). Please tell me where it is or how to create it! Thank you!
Do you have access to this file or is it a screenshot from someone else? When you make a Node Group in Geometry nodes it shows up like that, so if you go to your Geometry Nodes you’ll see a group called “Frills” just chilling there, press Tab to enter it. That’s if this is your file. If not, you need to make your own group- with your nodes, press Ctrl G
It’s not mine. I tried following what you said but nothing happened!
You mean that?
Not so! I mean is it the existing one? If available, where is it? If not available, how to create it?
Those input fields are user defined in the node tree So to get the inputs you would need to recreate the node graph.
Every time you plug a new input into the “input”/“output” node in the node tree, it will appear as a modifier input/output
Thank you so much! There’s probably a long way to go in learning to do this. Still hoping someone can help…
This looks like a Geometry Node Group specific to sculpting from the image. There’s the Subscriber and Follower at the bottom. That suggests, perhaps a Blender Developers Group where a particular aspect of development is being discussed / evaluated. Perhaps an art group: ArtStation, DeviantArt. Perhaps a Youtube Video. Tried doing a reverse image search by plugging your image in at imgops.com. That didn’t turn up anything useful. Something else you might try is using text specific to the image, such as the subscriber’s name, the Followers name, Blender, Geometry Node Group, Frills. Might be related to the development of an addon: Blender Market maybe? The fact that there’s a shark in the background suggests it’s more to do with a particular method than a specific scene. That and the Subscriber and follower. That leads me to think Development. Might also try a local public library research question if you have access. Lot of different directions you can go in trying to get more information on this. Noticed you’ve asked here as well as on Reddit. Maybe try Blender Developers as well. Maybe try Discord, Twitter, or Facebook as well.
Yup! Thank you! It’s from Pablo Dobarro livestream on Twitch.