Hello recently found about vast.ai website and how cheap it is to rent graphic cards in there and thats its a possibility to use it to get alot of points in sheepit renderfarm or even render projects from what i understood . I tried to search online any guides how to do it but couldnt find anything and i wonder if anyone here could help me out to figure out how i can do it .
Thank you , do you know how i can use it for SheepIt renderfarm ?
I’m not sure I understand.
You want to connect a paid service to receive credits on a free service?
In any case I don’t know how to do that.
Its okay , i was just curious to farm alot of points for very low ammount so i could use those points to render alot of animations and such later on because with my current graphic cant farm as much with people who got rtx 3000s and 4000s
You’d be much better of just using a paid render farm for yourself and skipping the middleman. SheepIt is for people that don’t want to use a paid render farm
P.S. - your idea is against the ToS of SheepIt:
Terms of use
Run the worker only on authorized computers
Run the worker only on computers that you own, or for which you have obtained the owner’s permission.