i need your help when i make shuttle craft type i notice keep it so long. then i force quit. and again keep again about three or four time. look like lost and go back again again again. how can solve that??? see screenshot
I can’t tell anything from the screen…
Is it a problem in editing or in rendering.
If the problem is with the display, reinstalling the graphics driver may solve the problem.
If I share the file, I can check it out for you
When you say “make a shuttle craft type” are you adding a model?
How big is it - big file size not big xyz size.
Do you have enough RAM in your computer? In the picture I can see there is less than 60,000 faces in the scene. That should not make your computer get stuck.
Can you give example what look like?
Just tell what your hardware is
Sorry… What do you mean?
An example of what?
Is it an import file problem?
(I think you asked a related Addon question…)
If it’s an import file problem, you might have to wait a long time, depending on the size or complexity of the file.
If the import file capacity is large, I think it would be better to create a new scene and bring it in.
More memory is available, and you can avoid corruption to working files in progress.
Not really,
Your RAM is on minimal requirement level, it is recommended to have 32GB
oh really i have 8 Ram that not enough? meanneed 32 GB?
oh see thanks for send that Link
It depends on each scene. If yours has too many polygons - it might be the case. When rendering your scene, open your task manager and check how much RAM is used at the moment, it might tell you where the problem may occur.
what do mean polygons and i make for Shuttlecraft and males sit and stand also make light, windows recently show yesterday that screenshot
I mean every object conists of n-amount of polygons. The more polygons you have - the more it gets heavy on your scene as well as hardware.
There’s a tutorials that explains how to see your scene stats:
that what i see. got it!! hmm. thanks
little strange i have one IG i use that before none happen. but yesterday impact loading long hmmm i confuse. will look other one i make see screenshot soon
Press A to select all of your object and then tell how much faces do you got.
Well yes, not that much I want to say. Perhaps you have some problems with the Blender itself or you need to reduce some quality settings as well.