Help in smoothing my anime figure model

Hi all,
I’m trying to model an anime figure, I used two cylinders to model the legs, then I created faces between these two cylinders (after I joined the two meshes as one), but I have a problem with smoothing, if you see in the pictures below, the two legs are not connected smoothly, I would like to know why and what can I do to solve this problem.

Note; this picture is after smoothing, and I did the edging in purpose, I like it this way :smiley:

Thanks all.


Did you try Ctrl + n yet?

Yes, I did the “Recalculate normals outside” a couple of times!!

This model is after the Ctrl+n and smoothing.

If you’ve just made faces directly from one leg to the other, that’s exactly what it will look like. If you want it to look more like a pelvis, you’ll have to model that. Try adding some loop cuts (Ctrl+R and click on an edge) and shifting them around to give you a smoother form.

Thanks, I’ll give it a try and see what happens

In that case, see if you’ve got any double vertices there or edge loops that are close together. If it’s only in the render, but not in viewport, then maybe it’s Blender’s crazy habit of flipping around normals during render time for shits and giggles, which can be disabled in Editing (F9) -> Mesh by turning on No V.Normal Flip.

sorry to bump in, but does anyone know why some models turn pink as they lose there textures when i export them or switch computers.

They’re missing. :wink:

Also, try giving your character a crotch, kind of hard to explain so look at the attachment instead.
