Help - Issues with Parts and Exporting to .fbx


For my second question, now that I solved my original issue will be posted in this group.

My aspiration at the moment is to model vehicles and export them to cities skylines. In order to do so, I decided to learn how to import models>UW Wrap them>Export them.

I have managed to create a cube house, do a basic UW wrap>export it as a .fbx, and have it show up fine in Cities Skylines.

That brings me to my current issue:
(Link to the file im working with) Crown Victoria Obj Mesh:

Once import this, it is where I run into issues which I have not been able to figure out yet.

Problem Number #1 - UW Wrapping it properly

The car comes divided up into 37 various parts. This makes it very easy to edit, for example ripping out the interior of the car. But it does make it very hard to UW wrap, as I aspire to UW wrap it with a template.
The various parts:
My UW wrap plan:
Left side of car
Right side of car
Top (including top of trunk, roof, hood)
Front of car (lights & bumper)
Rear of car (rear lights and bumper)
Much like this drawing, Link:

My question is, how would I go about unifying the car and then dividing it up in the way that the picture (linked above^) is laid out?

Problem Number #2 - Exporting the car to .fbx

Cities Skylines natively accepts .fbx files. The only requirement is that your texture assigned to the vehicle shares the same name as the .fbx and contains a ā€œ_dā€ after the name.
Since I am having issues properly UW wrapping it the way I wanted to, I decided I was going to export it with a placeholder texture to again, ensure I was doing it right.

For some reason when I open Cities Skylines and try to import the .fbx I get a blank window, presumably Cities Skylines cannot read my model. (I have not changed export settings at all from when I exported my rough cube house which worked)
Picture of what happens:

I then decided to test by re exporting my car as a .fbx file, and then restarting blender to import said .fbx file, upon import nothing imports to blender.

Am I doing something wrong when exporting the car? Or is there something wrong with the file itself? I noticed the same thing going on with my first cube house I ever made, but I am too much of a novice to know whats wrong.

Thank you so much guys, I really appreciate it.


The car comes divided up into 37 various parts. This makes it very easy to edit, for example ripping out the interior of the car. But it does make it very hard to UW wrap, as I aspire to UW wrap it with a template.
Join the parts together (Ctrl+J). You always split it apart later

My question is, how would I go about unifying the car and then dividing it up in the way that the picture (linked above^) is laid out?
Select the faces you want to unwrap (side of the car for side view etc) and unwrap from view. Then edit unwrap to fit the image. Editing tools are the same in the UV editor as in the 3d view

I then decided to test by re exporting my car as a .fbx file, and then restarting blender to import said .fbx file, upon import nothing imports to blender.
Does the object show up in the outliner ? What version of .fbx are you exporting (7.4 or 6.1). Try the other format

Read the fbx importer/exporter documentation for compatibility

The Ctrl J will be amazingly helpful for me to get the UW wrapping done properly! Thanks for that!

As far as I can tell it does show up in the outliner, If that is where all the parts are listed, then yes.
I am rendering to .fbx 7.4.

The funny thing is, that if I create my own square (or whatever shape) it exports fine, whenever I import or change the scale of whatever I am creating, it wont export properly, which makes no sense since the tutorials I am watching have no issues at all.