Help lighting a chessboard

I just finished doing a chess board and pieces, and I wanted to render it, but I have a problem when I put all of them together, I just can’t get the lighting right, I tried putting a spot light and two lamps, but the shadows are horrible… can someone help me putting a more realistic lighting setting?



You can’t do realistic AND cell shading, you are going to have to pick. Cell shading is for cartoonyness. But it can still look good.

Unfortunately i don’t know crap about lighting, so i’ll leave that to other people.

Hm… no need to be exactly realistic, it’s just that the shadows are so small and I just can’t make them bigger/better.

I guess it could be the angle of your light. Think about noon in the day, you have no or very little shadow. Put the light at a bigger angle to make them longer. If you’re aiming for darker shadows and have AO on, decrease the amount of AO.