[HELP] Material not rendering!

I’m having a problem rendering this object.

I want to render this object just as is in this image, but in the Render panel it shows bland and without the metallic textures.

This is how it is showing

Welcome :tada:

…for this reflections you have disabled the (top right) Shading → Scene World so it uses the standard forest.exr as HDRI ? And in the final render you are not using any HDRI at all ??

So you might use any of the ones from ../datafiles/studiolights/matcap/ or some other in the world shader…

I don’t want any background at all, i just want export the Logo so i can use it on photoshop

I’m not talking of background…

…this is because it does not have anything to reflect… the viewport uses a standard environment lighting…

A shiny “metalic” surfaces does look so :shiny" because it reflects the environment light…

So how can i change so can export just like it is in the first photo?

I tried to follow this tutorial but mine doesn’t seem to export the same way.

Well… (after a quick look) this is essentially what i was talking about… and if you can’t get it right after this tut… then i suspect you aren’t familiar with blender enough yet ?? Because it’s almost nothing else then adding a texture to the world shader node setup…
So i can only advise to re-watch this and maybe click on some suggested tutorials… :person_shrugging:

Can you please point what option is that with image? I can’t seem to understand or find what is that

Switch to the Shading workspace (top, middle)… on the bottom switch from Object to World shader… with the Node Wrangler addon enabled selected the Background node and use Ctrl-T… in the Envorinment Texture click Open and select any HDRI you have… maybe rotate to you liking in the Mapping node…

Good luck…