Help me please

Hello everyone, I am Emmanuel Debutant and I would like to know how the interior lighting of a house is done as well as the external lighting, how to have a good rendering after having made a configuration. Thank you and have a nice day everyone

IMO one good way is to add an area lamp, go into rendered view, and position and scale it, and change the values in lamp buttons until you get what you want. another good way is to use an emmitor object, which can be done in both eevee and cycles, but is much simpler in cycles. You just give your material an emmision value and it’s good to go. Sometimes you have to hide the emmitor mesh from the scene by going into object buttons>>visibility>>ray visibility>>uncheck ‘camera’.

This is emmitor ( radio ) lighting:

Also, the easiest way to do external lighting is to just go into the shader nodes, switch to world, add new if there isn’t one, then plug a sky texture node into you input socket of the background node. And adjust the settings on the texture node. the power is probably too high to start with.

Ok thank you very much for the answer I will try and see the result


Thank you, I did not know that, thank you very much, you do not mind if we discuss on GMAIL