is anyone know how an ai will be on alert or attack you if it see’s you then when you hide he will look for you until the ai is tired of looking and then go to idle state?, and if an ai is turn is back,…you can backstab it or if he see’s you it will attack you, anyone here? please help me, a tutorial would be nice…thnx in advance!
Use navmeshes and near/radar sensors to give the AI a certain viewing angle.
Some nav mesh tutorials:
You could use the search at the top of the page to find ai scripts.
Your question requires way too much information to respond to in a single post so I’ll give you some advice instead.
- If you haven’t learned to use Python scripting in Blender you are going to want to. Search for that first.
- When programming AI don’t shoot for the moon from the start. Separate what you want into smaller tasks and try to accomplish each one first.
- Get enemy to track the player. (Stationary)
- Get enemy to seek the player (regardless of vision).
- Get enemy to seek the player (dependent on vision).
Good luck!
You won’t find tutorials for something so specific, so it would be worthwhile reading a little about how AI works, how it is commonly implemented to solve certain problems, and where it can fail.
By the way, AI means Artificial Intelligence; no need to add Intelligence at the end of A.I