Help me...

Ok so i realized something, i have no goal, everything i create on blender is just pushed aside, the penguin i created previously was great, i tried to create a rig for it and i got no feedback here :frowning:

Seems like everything i create just gets pushed aside, because i then continure to model something else and everything just gets forgotten about, and its really making me feel like iā€™m rubish actually :eek:

So I NEED YOUR HELP! yes youā€¦ please

Give me a project :slight_smile: and iā€™ll try to do it ā€¦ :eek: in my own noobie style! :o

Thank you very much for readingā€¦ :RocknRoll:

try doing a few weekend challenges. this week is still open, should be plenty of time. theme is ā€˜legosā€™.

Donā€™t feel bad! I keep not finishing things too. Iā€™ve got hundreds of random files, projects never finished.
I know how you feel about not getting comments. Just keep in mind this is a massive forum. Itā€™s easy to overlook people.
You want a project? I canā€™t just say, ā€˜make a dogā€™ or something, since I donā€™t know what you like. Think about what interests or intrigues you. Do tutorials. Andrew Priceā€™s tutorials at are straightforward and informative.
Hope this helps.

I had no idea there were such things as challenges, where do i find these threads? :slight_smile:

iā€™ll do that :slight_smile: Blender Guru, iā€™ve actually heard good things about that site :wink:

I dont fully understand where i can find next weeks challenge though :slight_smile: but thank you so much!! :smiley: iā€™ll be entering this weeks thank you thank you!!

What do you think? :slight_smile:


Yeah i agree with Quacky 100% I too ā€œhave got hundreds of random files, projects never finished.ā€ But all of those contribute to my learning blender and 3d art.
I suggest you spend some time doing tutorials on and
After you get some skills try to find some concept art online and try to recreate it in 3d.
Or you can go and do some car modeling. I recently made a tutorial on how to set up reference images to get started:
Or use your imagination and try to create stuff. either way good luck.

I usually get a shit load of nice comments, which I am always thankful of, on my threads but that is usually because I return the favour. If you want people to comment on your own work than take the time out and comment on theirā€™s. It will take some time but you will notice that in time they will return the favour and that is really what makes a good wip forum on any site .

So leave some crits on others threads and post work donā€™t worry if you donā€™t get comments with every post just keep posting and you might want to get an avatar helps in remembering who is commenting.

I think all of this is good advice.
And donā€™t feel bad; this does seem a pretty competitive, sometimes combative site. Iā€™m having difficulty with my own thin skin.

But, if you have trouble finishing something and are not sure where to start, why not try thinking in terms of making short animation? Animation is a great venue for your creative CGI work, and YouTube and all the other sites out there are all about making videos.
So start there.
First, come up with a simple story, a basic idea, something you want to get across visually.
Then, and most importantly, WRITE A SCRIPT. It doesnā€™t have to be Shakespeare, and it doesnā€™t have to be perfect. But it will make you focus on every shot you want in your short. Writing a script is the time when you just sit down with a pad and pen, brainstorm, write down dreams youā€™ve had, write anything you want. It doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s weird. Thatā€™s probably better. Iā€™ve read that writers write so that they can find out what they think.
Then, start making your animated short.
Along the way, watch as many tutorials on as many different topics in animation as you can. Go on YouTube or Vimeo and do a seach on ā€œBlender Tutorial.ā€ Youā€™ll be shocked how many great tutorials there are out there.

Making an animated short will encompass every part of Blender. And you can do the whole thing in Blender.
Along the way youā€™ll learn modelling, the game and physics engine, lighting, rendering, rendering formats and outputs, animation, editing, the Video Sequence Editor, texturing, nodes, the whole shebang.

Donā€™t be afraid to ask questions. Make friends. Post a lot in the forum and try not to blow your stack when people on BA misunderstand you. Watch more tutorials.
I wouldnā€™t be surprised if someday you start making tutorials yourself.
And lastly, experiment! Thereā€™s no reason to feel bad if youā€™ve started a lot of projects that never seem to end up as practical, tangible whatever. Iā€™ve learned a lot by just going into Blender, trying to do something crazy, finding out it didnā€™t work, but realizing that I figured out how to do something neat that Iā€™d never seen anyone else do in a tutorial.
Did you know that Thomas Edison went through 20,000 lightbulbs before he figured out how to make one that didnā€™t go POP!?

thats true, tyrant monkey is one of the people I can instantly recongize just by his avatar pic.

Yes itā€™s important to do the kind of art you enjoy, donā€™t create a ā€œCARā€ just because someone else is doing it. Also donā€™t let comments or lack there of discourage you from your passion. Learn to inspire yourself and push yourself beyond your limits, TWEAK TWEAK and TWEAK until you get what your after. This is not easy stuff you get what you put in.

looking good. if you turn on ā€˜ditherā€™ in render buttons, you wonā€™t get that banding of the background.

:slight_smile: Thank you so much, i never expected all of these replys :open_mouth:

After taking time to read them, i think that the notes are a great idea, iā€™ve written down all of my previous non-finished projects, and organized my folders with names of them so i can always go back and finish when i learn more along the wayā€¦ therefore i think that tutorials are important and iā€™ll go do some more of those.

The short animation idea is great! using the notes i can write down all of the things i need to create like a table? and chairs? and a cup! to create my sceneā€¦ all of this will improve my skills greatly, and now i just quickly created a pretty fun avatar :smiley: and iā€™ll comment on posts (even though i cant really help people) i will try :slight_smile:

Thanks Everyone for helping me!!! :slight_smile:

( the picture i uploaded is just a completely random one i just created)

I think iā€™m getting better :slight_smile: