Help Medieval Tower (yafray) update 1

Hi people =)

I’m working with this Tower and I just want to make it look more realistic. The problem is that my computer specs aren’t good enough.

Hp pavilion AMD Athlon 900Mhz. 256MB Ram. Nvidia Vanta LT it’s an old computer jeje n.n

But I want to make it look as better as possible. This is what I got so far.

Any suggestion? I’m using Blender 2.49b and yafray 0.1.1. These are my parameters:

Direct Lighting.
Background image for ambient light. Power= 1 IBL samples 18
A sun. power= 2
AA samples 20 AA passes 1

So what would you do? what would you change? thanks!! n.n

the tower+grass is already looking pretty good, it has it’s own style. the rock/cliffs seem to be lacking any real strata bump map. Are the cliffs plain texture wrapped flat surfaces ?

The tower itself looks awesome, but the rock and grass look unrealistic. They textures look too blown up, make it look more like a real tower on a small plastic rock. The grass is also unrealistic. I would use a particle emitter, but then again I’m not sure if yafray works with it, and your computers not the best. There’s also one spot at the top of the tower where the shadows look really sharp, opposed to the softness of the rest of the tower.

Yes it’s a plain texture =/ how can I improve it?

And yafray does not support particles =(
I didn’t noticed the sharp shadow on the top =o

Ok the grass and the rocks texture need more work. any suggestion?


If that were a full-sized tower, and you were back far enough to get a picture of it, but using the wide-angle-ish lens that you’re using in that render, the rock in the back would be in focus (or barely – barely! – out of focus), especially on a fully lit day when the iris is going to be nearly closed. The depth of field in this shot makes it look like a miniature.

Ohh O.o you’re right. Yea it looks like a toy XD ok thanks.


What do you think? :spin:

I think something is wrong with my textures =s

I wonder… Could you render the particles by converting them to meshes, then extruding the meshes parallel to the camera slightly so it’s visible? Just I thought, I haven’t tried it.