So I’m having trouble with the mirror modifier… for some reason its off center? It’s easier to show than to explain so I attached pictures below. I tried removing the modifier, moving the vertices near the z axis away from the mirror line, (object mode) applied the mirror modifier again, and enable clippings and try to push the vertices towards the center again but it doesn’t merge to the exact center. Tried moving the vertices past the mirror line and pulling it towards the center with no success.
I snapped the 3D cursor and origin point to the axis/ center/ (0,0,0) of the grid.
Not really sure why this is happening… would greatly appreciate any help
I marked the seams for the mesh in red for easier viewing. The phantom/ duplicate line is created by the mirror modifier.
im sorry but i dont understand your question. if the problem is that it does not merge at the center, then just take the verts you wish to merge and move them together.
if you want them to snap more easily, then increase “merge limit” in the mirror modifer panel.
Well, this certainly looks like a case where a picture is not worth a thousand words. Everything seems to be marked in red, and it is really unclear what exactly is going on with the mesh, and what the problem is.
Maybe try a file without all those ‘attempts’ cluttering things up, and show a screen shot in solid solid mode, and at an angle, to give some idea of what you are trying to make here?
The mirror modifier works as advertised. Either you are misinterpreting what you’re seeing in the viewport, or there is something peculiar about your mesh. Maybe post the blend?
Perhaps the object origin got shifted somewhere along the way? (If I recall correctly, applying scale/rotation can do that. The origin ends up in the middle of the half rather than the expected centerline.) Maybe manually defining the origin with the 3D cursor would help?
If that fails, using an empty to define the center used in the mirror modifier may do the job. Then the mirror won’t shift regardless of anything you do that could affect the object origin.
oddly enough, I copied and pasted it into a new blender window and it seemed to solve the problem
still a bit perplexed but now since its working I guess I shouldn’t trouble myself
@finalbarrage@orinoco@pauljs75_ - sorry, i’ll try to be clearer and more precise in my future posts…! thank you for your suggestions though 2 heads are better than one and I’m glad a community like this exists
It looks like your center line isn’t straight. Box-select(B) the entire line and hit S + X + zero. You may have to turn off clipping first, if any of the vertices are across the center, but it should work. To apply the location/rotation/scale(most likely you’ll need to apply the location), with your object selected, hit Ctrl+A in Object mode, apply whatever you need in the pop-up window, then the Mirror should work perfectly.