I’m new to polygonal modelling, coming from Solidworks. What’s an efficient way of creating surfacing like the example below? Thanks for any suggestions.
Thanks very much for the suggestion! I’ve sort of gotten close, but I think my order of subd and mesh manipulation is a bit off. Can’t seem to keep the corner rounds carried through to the creases:
I started with a cube and moved a few verts and adjusted the edge crease to get the overall shape. I then applied the first subd:
Then selected the interior loops, raised in Z, edge creased:
As I’m new to poly modelling, subd seems kind of like a black art at the moment. Perhaps you could show some of the process you used? Many Thanks!
Here’s a screen record of the steps I followed:
There might be better or more appropriate ways to do it, I only do basic 3d modelling, and I usually stop when it fit my needs
so maybe someone else may give you better insights
Thank you so much! Very awesome of you to take the time!
Glad I could help.