HELP - Motion blur for shape keys?

Hi, I’m trying to render a scene with some animated shape keys but it seems like cycles doesn’t render the motion blur for those.
I’ve tried to use the Speed pass but it is useless, am I doing something wrong? or maybe the motion blur for shape keys isn’t supported?

Here is the file:

Any suggestion?
Thanks for the help!

Solved: if motion blur is active cycles doesn’t render the Speed pass, duh.

Hello! I know this is really old, but I am having the same problem, not rendering the motion blur when animating with shape keys. Do you know the solution for this?

You might well find that “a touch of simple blurring” will do the trick . . . it isn’t accurate, but maybe it doesn’t matter. Try it. Use nodes to isolate the object in question and to add a controlled amount of blur to it.