help my comp is messed up

well ever since uhh 2 days ago whenever i go onto internet explorer it automaticaly changes my start up page to some crappy porn site yet from early today it has been poping up even more porn pop ups (which aint good im 14 and this is a shared computer)
i have tried every thing yet it still does it any idea plz!


Hmm sounds like a trojan horse virus…

Should be quite easy to cure… go here first and run the housecall scan

If any viruses appear write down the names then search for them here

Hopefully there should be a resolve for any virus you find…

I hope that helps you out


After you fix this problem, another thing you might want to do is disable cookies and only enable them for trusted sites. (Tools/Internet options/Privacy/slider to top)

Do the same with the Security setting. (Tools/Internet options/Security/slider to top)

Turning off cookies will block most popups and other unwanted code
you will pick up browsing the net.

Myself, I couldn’t immagine leaving cookies on all the time anymore.

hi thanks rep it seemed to do the job

rwv01 well i do this but arnt cookies important?

They’er very important to advertizers.

You’ll still be able to brows most websites with no problem.
If a trusted site requires them to fill out a form, view an animation or what ever, just turn them on for that site and turn them off when you leave.

Also, to delete cookies you do have right now, go to Tools/Internet Options/Delete Cookies.

Run it by the rest of the family though so they don’t think the computer’s broken when they try to use their favorite gaming sites and stuff.

I don’t do cookies except for blender sites that require it 8) They are totally dangerous man. I wouldn’t know but I hear that the lower you go on the food chain on the www the more likely you are to get a disease. So if you travel the lower realms one must be extremely security conscious. Then again we should always be, if we can.

if you’d like to try another option, try Mozilla 1.6

has some very nice privacy / junk mail options


  • > set lifetime of cookies to current session

  • > block all popups

  • > control junk mail


its free / works great


Hey just look at my post. I explain how to fix this problem. Ok! Check it out
Let me know if it helps.

Check out Enriq’s post and get Spybot. Also make sure your antivirus is up to date on the definitions. A good antivirus is an absolute must for every computer. I also recommend a good firewall, check out

It’s free and as good as any other firewall out there.

I also like Surfin’ Guard, not free, but darn usefull. Prevents websites from writing to your registry (did you know they could do that?), monitors Active X and other scripts (prevents forced installs).

Also, in the internet properties (should be on the last tab) disable Active X (or at least set to prompt first).
