If anyone can help me with these issues will be really apreciated
I need a chunk of code to create a uvsphere from scratch(just like the one that you can add with the toolbox) in python.
I will also apreciate a chunk of code to replicate a lattice in a mesh object. I need this for my blender library script (lattices aren´t rendered)
Right now i can mimic vertex positions in the new mesh with lattice points but my knowlegde is limited. How can I connect the vertices with edges to get a perfect “lattice” mesh?
also, the code to build a uv sphere should be trivial if you remember geometry class. I don’t have time right now to write it for you, but I could’ve sworn somebody has written it already and posted it [or al link] here.
Thanks to both of you guys… im sort of a self made man and I didn´t went to school…
I usually learn just what i want and I just recently feel the need for trigonometric knowlege and math… plus I´ve found out is no my strong point at all