Help needed with the HDRI tutorial.


Everything was going good untill i run yafray from
the command prompt and I get this…

Starting YafRay…
Could not open input file

  <light type="hemilight" name="hemi_LT" power="1.0" samples="16" />
- <background type="HDRI" name="envhdri" exposure_adjust="0">
  <filename value="C:\3D\YafRay\hdri\uffizi_probe.hdr" /> 

- <camera name="MAINCAM" resx="640" resy="512" focal="1.437500">
  <from x="-30.000000" y="-42.000000" z="27.000000" /> 
  <to x="-29.461014" y="-41.230247" z="26.657980" /> 
  <up x="-29.803825" y="-41.719833" z="27.939693" /> 

- <render camera_name="MAINCAM" raydepth="5" gamma="1.000000" exposure="0.000000" AA_passes="2" AA_minsamples="4" background_name="envhdri"
AA_threshold="0.05" bias="0.001000">
<outfile value="C:\3D\YafRay\YBtest\YBtest.tga" /> 


Any idea’s as to why it’s not rendering?
It rendered fine in blender before the changes were made.
I hope it’s just something simple.

I don’t know what the problem here is, but if you load an hdri into the world textures in blender (2.33+) yafray will use it as an hdri background (if you’re using the blender->yafray export).


So it’s…

Create a scene in blender with no lights.
Add a new World.
Add a new Texture.
Click the Load Image Button, select a .hdr file and set to AngMap.
Generate an automatic name and set Texture Type to Image.
Press F10
Select Yafray as rendering engine.
Select YafRay G.I.
Select either Sky Dome or Full
Pick a quality setting.
Set Power to 1.8
Click the render tab and set OSA.


Are there any other things i should set?

It still does not work.

At the Blender Prompt…

Error , HDRI_Background_t<>:C:\3D\YafRay\hdri\building_probe.hdr

For some unknown reason YafRay wont load any of the
.hdr files i got from that link you posted.

Time to go over to :expressionless:

Got it to work now.
You can read all about it here.