Everything was going good untill i run yafray from
the command prompt and I get this…
Starting YafRay…
Could not open input file
<light type="hemilight" name="hemi_LT" power="1.0" samples="16" />
- <background type="HDRI" name="envhdri" exposure_adjust="0">
<filename value="C:\3D\YafRay\hdri\uffizi_probe.hdr" />
- <camera name="MAINCAM" resx="640" resy="512" focal="1.437500">
<from x="-30.000000" y="-42.000000" z="27.000000" />
<to x="-29.461014" y="-41.230247" z="26.657980" />
<up x="-29.803825" y="-41.719833" z="27.939693" />
- <render camera_name="MAINCAM" raydepth="5" gamma="1.000000" exposure="0.000000" AA_passes="2" AA_minsamples="4" background_name="envhdri"
AA_threshold="0.05" bias="0.001000">
<outfile value="C:\3D\YafRay\YBtest\YBtest.tga" />
Any idea’s as to why it’s not rendering?
It rendered fine in blender before the changes were made.
I hope it’s just something simple.