Please I have a challenge with scaling vertices. The attached image would help explain the problem better. I tried to extrude and then scale the outer vertices of a rectangle with hopes that the offset between the existing edges and new edged would remain the same, but the scaling is behaving in a way I don’t quite understand.Fig 1 in my attachment shows the original geometryFig 2 shows the result from scaling vertices EFGH.NB.I have checked the object scale(on the properties panel in the 3d view window) x, y, and z scale are all 1.00.I have checked the pivot center used for scaling - I used median point.Please I would appreciate any insight into what I might b doing wrong.PS: I am not good at mathematics or geometry, but I think the scaling should leave uniform distances between parallel edges - please correct me if I am wrong. I also observed that if I inset the edges the resulting new egdes are spaced evenly but scaling works in another way.
Try “Inset”
Thanks for your reply PiroGxPilot, I was just wondering, is there anything like “outset” or a method to make the effect of the inset work outwards, say I want to have 5 steps of increments outside the object (as opposed to the inset inwards of a polygon).
When you scale something, all the vertices you scale move toward the pivot point (or away from it, if you scale outward.) Scaling will never leave a constant width between parallel edges unless the original shape has constant width between its original parallel edges (iow: its a square.) That is how scaling is supposed to work, which is why the offset tool was developed. An outset is just an inset, but starting with the outer shape rather than the inner shape. Plan ahead. No one knows which vertices were there first…
Wow, TynkaTopi, thanks the addon is just what I needed.
I really appreciate everyone that replied, Orinoco, I kind of understand it boils down to proper planning of my modelling workflow.