New to Blender. I have a CNC router and a friend wanted me to attempt to carve a scene. I usually am able to purchase the files i need for a relief fairly easily. Thats not the case with this one. I already purchased the .blend files and am struggling to be able to pose them and generate a greyscale heightmap to cut. Time is quickly passing me by as this is not my full time profession. Can anyone point me in the direction to someone i could hire to develop this render for me?
Have you tried the Volunteer/Paid work categories on this site?
Thats where i need to go absolutley
is it a link in this site or am i missing it?
If you scroll up all the way, it should appear at the top of the screen, under JOBS.
Once you click that you should have a blue box that says NEW TOPIC. Click that, and a reply window will pop up with rules and suggestions on what to include in the post.
Clicking the jobs tab seems to take you directly to paid work, so if you’re hoping to get this for free, just make sure you switch to the volunteer section.
Good luck!
Thank you. Not looking for freebie. Will def pay
If what you want is a greyscale heightmap, when you are done with your scene and camera in the Viewlayer [lower right corner of default workspace, 4th icon from the top] in the Passes/Data section enable Z (and/or mist) then render the image. In the image viewer that comes up after render is complete you can select the pass you want to see in the top right corner.
Though please note I have never used a heightmap for your purpose, and it’s unclear to me if there are any special requirements.