I Can’t get pressure working only on any x64 blender builds i tried (2.49b or 2.5x) on windows seven x64. But 32 bit blender is working, (2.49b & 2.54beta)
I’m using an old Lifetec tablet LT9570 with trust TB7300 driver (other apps are OK and blender x86 too)
Tried Gimp x64 and i have the same problem (also 32 bit is ok).
But not all 64 bit software, i tried Modo x64 and it’s working…
Maybe blender try to use a 64 bit version of wintab32.dll but my windows directory only contain 32 bit wintab32.dll (installed by driver in syswow64).
Someone know where I should ask this kind of request ? Maybe it’s not the beter place for that, i don’t want to report a bug, i’m not dev and maybe it’s a driver issue, even if only Blender x64 and Gimp x64 are concerned.
Well if you can find a vista driver for your tablet it might work, I had the same problem win7 seems to work better with vista drivers. Its a long shot though.
Make sure that you have “Strength” enabled under “Unified settings”, under the “Options” heading in whichever brush-using editor you’re using (Sculpt mode, image editor…).