Hey,please give lots of c+c on this. I know it can look way better. I just need advice on how to make the sky more realistic, the textures less plasticy and more rocky. Also, how would I put a crescent of a planet floating in the sky?
Afraid I’m not much help for the technical questions, but one thing to keep in mind when putting a planet or crescent planet in the sky. The dark side of the planet when seen through the sky is never darker than the darkest part of the rest of the sky. You can always go brighter on the lighted side.
Most people make the mistake of making some portion of the moon, planet or whatever somehow darker than the atmosphere that you are viewing it through.
Done right:
Done wrong:
Actually, you could use Terragen and World Machine to build the hight map. They are both very good at generating very natural looking terrain and still give it an alien feel.
how do you do that?
and any suggestions that don’t including starting over?
Sorry, I’ve only made an eyeball and a face so far so I’m probably at your same skill level so I’m not much help other than bumping your thread
If you can apply a bump map to the terrain mesh it might make it look rockier. Also, I’ve seen some examples and tutorials on how to make grass, I’m sure you could use the same methods for scattering boulders and rocks around the terrain.
Hope I’ve helped at least some
Use a rock bump map, use extra modeled rocks scattered around, and use the sculpt tool, maybe.
For the sky, you’ll have to get rid of those procedural clouds, try and either get a terragen cube map (hdri is nice) or matte paint it yourself. I think there’s a program that lets you edit cube maps somewhere, so you could add the planet in later.
Do a hash in Mesh tools/ fratual, looks to smooth.
Use a directional lamp and coloured AO instead of one spot-lamp.
here’s another update (haven’t changed lighting yet.)
Just a couple questions.
- What is AO? (I’m a noob)
- How do you do the realistic clouds you discussed earlier?
the shadows look kinda dark, maybe you should add in a sky light