Help Please Blender Newbie ? Materials

HI All at Blender Forums

Since downloading and starting to use Blender 2.41
i have never looked back “WoW” what a fantastic 3D program, the only thing is i have been using other 3D
packages which work in different ways.

Please can someone help. I have downloaded the “Car Paint” Materials file which is a Blender File and loaded it, but now i wish to apply one of the Car paint materials to a model i have created in Blender, but for the life of me i do not know how to bring my model into the Car paint Blender scene, or how to go about opening both my model scene and still have the Car paint file open.

I have just had a thought maybe i should save my model out as say a .obj or .dxf file and then try to import it.

Please could you tell me if this is the best way of going about this.

Also i notice that the “Car Paint” blender file when opened in the 3D Window shows various sphere’s with the different car paint types attached to them in a scene for reference, should i clear the scene before adding my model, i am a little confused how best to use the Car Paint materials or any materials that have been pre-built as a blender file.

many thanks to all

Gary (Blender Newbie)

Append the materials to your model (File->Append). And please use the support forums next time.

I havent used the file you mention, but the way to do it easiest is probably as follows.

In the car paint file look to see what the spheres are called that have the textures attached, if the one you want is called sphere002 for example (it may have a logical material name). Make a note of this name.
TO find the name, highlight the object and click editing button (f9) look for box ob: (name)

Open your file with car model, click file append. browse for textures file, click on it, opens a browser with various properties (action, armature, camera…) look for object, click, look for object name or names you located and noted, right click to multiple select. Then load library. The sphere or sheres complete with materials should be in your scene. You can then select your car and assign the material, as it will now be available in the selection list. delete the sheres when done.

Hope this helps you.

wrong forum by the way,

post somewhere here next time:

please do as Alex_G says.
