I’m new to Blender but have done my due diligence in looking online to see if I can get a solve to my issue. So I’m coming here for help and hope someone will have the answer for me.
I have a scene and it’s relatively a simple scene. There is a landscape and a helicopter. The camera is onboard the helicopter looking slightly down and across the landscape. I am trying to render this in a Toon shader style. So I have created a few Toon Shaders. One for each item in the scene, the only difference being the color.
Now when I render, it’s all white. Also it doesn’t seem to be rendering the landscape. I can see it in the viewport but not in the render. It’s as if there is no correlation to what I see in the viewport in shaded mode and the final render.
The things I have looked at:
Made sure everything I want rendered is not disabled for rendering
Made sure all the necessary render layers are checked
I’m Rendering in Multi Layer exr file, so I have made sure that in Compositing, the output layers are setup correctly
Everything that needs to be rendered is unhidden
My lighting is not under or over exposed
Nothing is obscuring the camera
As mentioned, material is very simple. Diffuse BSDF > Shader to RGB > Color Ramp > Material Output (Typical Toon Shader setup)
If you disable this setup (deactivate the compositor to test this), does it render correctly? Outputting to EXR multilayer sounds like the part that’s likely to go wrong in your setup.
Thank you for the quick response. I actually should try to bypass the multilayer rendering and see if it will render as a composite in one frame. Let me quickly try that.
Ok, so I removed all the layers in the Composition tab so it’s only rendering out the Scene to an Output.
In my render settings, I unchecked all the layers and changed the output file to Jpeg.
The render is still incorrect. The landscape is once again missing and only showing the Blue which is set in my background in World Properties. The characters in the foreground look like they’re not lit. However, in the viewport, they are lit correctly.
With this, we at least know the problem isn’t in compositing.
There appears to be 2 separate problems. The landscape not appearing and the characters having no lighting.
Is the landscape visible in the viewport if you go in the camera’s view? Because I was thinking it could be caused by the camera’s clip distances being incorrect for the scale of the scene.
When you say in the viewport, were you in “material preview” mode or in “rendered” mode? And what are the lighting options on those modes? Because if your lighting was relying on the material preview’s temporary HDRI, well it’s not going to be there at render and you would need to make a real lighting setup yourself.
So I want to document my own stupidity as well as continue to figure out issues.
For the character, they were not showing the correct lighting in the Render opposed to the Scene, because my lighting was flagged not to render. So that issue is fixed.
The landscape not rendering continues to be an issue. I made sure my camera clip distances are good.
Clip Start: 0.1 m
Clip End: 100000000 m
Hey, Thanks for responding. I tried that with Cycles and I just couldn’t get it to work. I looked for tutorials, but there were little to none on it. There were a lot on doing it with eevee, so I went that way.
If your clip values are way too wide for your scene (clip start too close, clip end way past the farthest object), Blender will lose precision in its rendering, causing glitches where polygons show at the wrong depth. If you can cut a few zeros from that number without losing any object, you should, it will avoid potential issues.
The value you had was probably thousands of times the size of your entire scene.
yeah very true, but to be honest, it started with the camera clipping out my objects and I just went nuclear on it and put in a huge number. I never thought it would cause precission issues under the hood. Lesson learned and I appreciate your knowledge share on this.